If you’re on this page then I’m guessing that someone you know who also knows about me and my work has sent you this link, and it’s no accident you’re here. I created this resource for people like you who are fighting the good fight and navigating these challenging times, but also need to be able to look after themselves in the process. We all do!
I’ve spoken with a lot of people in the last couple of months who are being quite affected or disrupted by situations, people, what they’re reading/seeing/listening to and the collective energy, but are not quite sure what to do about it. Often this is because they are accumulating various energies from around them and it’s getting stuck there.
If you’re finding yourself feeling disrupted, off track, overwhelmed, heavy, burdened, struggling to get out of anxiety etc, reluctant to leave the house, overly sensitive to people/situations etc etc then this could be partly what’s going on.
One of the big things that has got me through thus far is carefully managing my energy (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) but also quite specifically looking after my energy body.
As well as needing to give ourselves space to feel and express whatever emotions we’re feeling as we go along – fear, stress, anger, grief, despair etc – we also need to carefully manage our energetic system. As per my brief video message above, this is what these tools are for – to help you clear any energy around you/with you that is not yours and keep yourself well protected.
(I’m also finding that for people with Covid these tools are super helpful because it tends to push people off their centre.)
What I’ve put together here is a simple but powerful energy clearing process to use each day and then an energy protection method also. It all takes just a few minutes. The focus is on helping you clear any energy that is not you and yours or any unhelpful energy hanging around, protect your energy field going forward and ultimately help you cultivate more and more inner equilibrium, clarity and strength.
If this resonates just pop your email in and you’ll get instant access to these guided tools.
Karen x
The world is going through unprecedented change on the highest levels of existence right now and it is a rough and tough ride!
How we take care of ourselves on all levels of the self will determine how much we are able to step up and evolve ourselves, and then in turn support and help others.
As well as these energy management practices I’ve also added some resources for supporting the nervous system as this is the other area I’m seeing people needing support with… Once you pop your email in these will all be in the one place for you to check out, download and use as much as you need. xx
Feel free to share this page with others who may also benefit from these tools and guidance at this time.