So much of what is going on right now has us feeling at the mercy of external circumstances and other people. Have you been feeling that too? Much of the government rhetoric and policies - and mainstream media messaging - this year has fostered fear, uncertainty and disempowerment. And continues to do so. For many, our sense of control and ... [Read On]
Are you being compassionate enough with yourself right now?
Wow, it’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the penultimate month of the year. And what a situation we find ourselves in. I’m feeling very aware of the multiple stressors that people are facing right now, and that they are not only many but also varied, especially for those in lockdown areas or those being severely affected by mandates ... [Read On]
Anyone else not ready to jump into busy-ness?
Are you feeling like you’d love another few weeks to play, hike, windsurf, go beaching, curl up with a book, hang out with loved ones, watch old movies (or binge Netflix) or my fave - lie on the grass under a tree? Or are you just taking a little while to step into the year or work with full gusto? I typically spend the 1st of Jan ... [Read On]
Being in the Here and Now in a Crisis
If you’ve been swinging between dealing with right now, and worrying about the future, you’re probably on par with many people. There are a few different opinions on this and I’ve given it some careful thought – right now the most useful place you could put your attention is on the here and now. I will write again about how to be thinking about the ... [Read On]
How to Make the Most of Your Holidays
Updated 15/12/21 One of my favourite tips to share with clients is this tiny but awesome strategy for getting the best out of your experience when you’re going on holiday. Whether it’s a long weekend or a month-long holiday, or anything in between, this simple practice can make a profound difference to how you experience your time away - and how ... [Read On]
A Great Life is Built on Brave Moments
I was talking to an old friend of mine the other day who I’ve known since we were kids. In the last couple of years he has gone from being a full-time primary school teacher, to teaching three days a week plus a bit of sports coaching. His stress levels have plummeted, his energy has sky rocketed and he’s living a lifestyle with his family that ... [Read On]
Our Work Journey is Part of Our Spiritual Journey
Aye caramba … are you in the midst of one of those ‘character building’ moments at work or in your business? It reminds me of when I lived in Eastern Europe and was flying to a different city every week, or at least every month - and if anyone had mentioned 'spiritual journey' to me then I would have laughed in their face. (That might sound very ... [Read On]