You know, the expression ‘work-life balance’ is probably one of the most bandied about phrases of the working world? Of the entire Western world in fact? It’s also one of the biggest faux pas I can think of. We’ve been repeating it for decades now – without realising just what we’re doing to ourselves! Actually it reminds me of the ‘don’t ... [Read On]
Time is on Your Side – So How Do You Harness It?
As part of a half-day resilience session I ran earlier this month for an Auckland based marketing team, we worked on creating what I call your Ideal Week – the way your week would look if you were able to include all the things that you really want to do for yourself as well as your commitments at work, with family and so on. An ideal week might ... [Read On]
A Great Life is Built on Brave Moments
I was talking to an old friend of mine the other day who I’ve known since we were kids. In the last couple of years he has gone from being a full-time primary school teacher, to teaching three days a week plus a bit of sports coaching. His stress levels have plummeted, his energy has sky rocketed and he’s living a lifestyle with his family that ... [Read On]
There is never a ‘right time’ with your stress levels
I talk to people who are stressed all the time. This is partly because I specialise in stress and resilience, and partly because most of the planet is stressed. In this mix, I periodically talk to someone who is thinking of doing the Online Resilience Series I offer and lately it has been reminding me a lot of when I was in that stress cycle. It's ... [Read On]
Ditching Resolutions – Have a Revolution Instead
Over much of the course of my life, New Year’s resolutions have had the effect of leaving me feeling pretty useless, disappointed or plain old cynical. They seem like a really good idea at the time. I have all in the gusto in the world for them. I do lots to get started – or at least I think I do. Off with a hiss and a roar. So what the hell ... [Read On]
On Making Time for Transformation – Part Three
If you’ve been following this series of three posts on making time for transformation, you’ll have no doubt in your mind now about how I feel about, well, making time for transformation … I rate it big time. (Read Part One here and Part Two here). But as well as making time for this in our lives, what else do we need to factor in? Here I share some ... [Read On]
Celebrating Progress – Why We Should Do It and How
Text message received from friend last month: “Wahoo! Congrats, girlfriend. So very delighted for you!” This was in response to my text saying I’d had a client book a really great piece of work with me that I was really excited about. And what a buzz to share it – and with someone who knew what it meant to me and what it had taken to ... [Read On]
On Making Time for Transformation – Part Two
So perhaps you’ve just read Part One of On Making Transformation, and you’re thinking How do I actually start making space for this? I find getting the logistics sorted around having time for yourself can be just as game-changing as getting your head around it! In this instalment: How do you make space? Let's make it okay to ... [Read On]
How to stay SANE in the lead up to Christmas
I’m not going to mention how many days it is until Christmas because I hate it when people do that. I’d much rather remain ignorant and pretend the year isn’t moving along at quite such the break-neck speed it is. However, given that it is mere weeks away and silly season is certainly kicking in (today on a five minute drive from my house to my ... [Read On]
On Making Time for Transformation – Part One
Whether it's for deep transformation, some stress relief or anything in between, when a client decides to come to coaching or a friend says he’s starting a six week mindfulness course, I always do an internal hop-skip-and-a-jump of celebration. I think, Yay, good on you! How awesome to be taking that time for yourself and to be choosing ... [Read On]
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