So much of what I help people do is to feel more powerful – and to not just feel more powerful in how they respond to situations or navigate change but to actually BE more powerful. This comes from building more sovereignty - literally having more control over their internal responses and their external actions - and from being more and more ... [Read On]
The Reason We Get Stuck in Our Habits and Patterns
Over the last month or so I’ve had conversations with numerous clients about how come we get so caught in our old patterns of emotions and behaviours – even when we know better! It can feel perplexing, frustrating and even scary when we feel stuck in a certain way of reacting that doesn’t feel good – especially when no matter how aware we are we ... [Read On]
Are you heading down the stress highway at the mo …
I’m seeing a few scenarios playing out for people at the moment that are all variations on a theme – heading down the stress highway. As a reformed stress-junkie myself, I can tell you that this highway can be deceptive. It can look like a cool, happening, busy kinda place where you’re doing lots of good stuff, putting out fires and making things ... [Read On]
Do I need a Life Coach or a Business Coach?
A common question I get asked by people inquiring about coaching is whether they need life coaching or business coaching. Just the other day someone asked me on the phone, “Does this sound like a professional issue or do I need help on a more personal level?” My answer (spoiler alert): It’s all personal. In almost every case, once I hear ... [Read On]
Feel like renewing your goals for 2020?
Heck, a lot has happened this year. A lot of water has gone under the bridge, and well, let’s face it, is still going under the bridge… So, what if you’ve been a tad railroaded by these events or are feeling off track with what you wanted to have happen this year? Or just a bit off-track with yourself? We’ve just passed solstice and segued ... [Read On]
Your Intuition is The Flow of Life
You know that moment when you’re getting into your car to leave for work and you suddenly remember your laptop bag is still sitting on the dining room table? Or your gym bag is sitting on the bedroom floor? So you nip back inside, grab what you need and then head off to work. Have you ever wondered where that little message came from? Was it your ... [Read On]
What My Most Resilient Clients are Doing (and what they’re not)
I’m super proud of many of my clients who have rallied and responded to their own business challenges with fantastic resilience and wisdom. It seems like a good time to share some of their secrets and talk about what the most resilient leaders do to not only get through, but to also thrive through challenge - and take their people with them. ... [Read On]
The Five Minute Brainstorm That Can Transform Your Life at Work
Let me start by saying that every article I write is in the hope that it will make a practical, poetic or profound difference to you in some way. That’s probably a lot of expectation to place on these words as they drop onto the page like stilettos down a staircase, but it is honestly what I intend each time I write. This post is no different, ... [Read On]
Tips for Extroverts Working from Home
Tips for Extroverts Working from Home Extroversion and introversion are interesting aspects of the personality, and sometimes a little misunderstood, but at the heart of it is a distinction between where you best get your energy from. An introvert tends to draw energy from their internal world, is reflective and recharges best on their own or in ... [Read On]
Survival Guide for Working from Home
If you are working from home right now, and a few weeks ago you weren’t, I salute you. That’s such a huge transition and you are doing it. My hat’s off to you! If you’re doing it in conjunction with your other half, the kids, the dog and the budgie, two hats off to you! I think the transition has been variable for people because of logistics ... [Read On]
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