The mind. Friend or foe? Many of us have challenges at different times with our mind getting too busy or too negative, or simply taking up too much space in our consciousness. Honestly, I used to think my mind was more troublesome than helpful and I just wanted it to shut up, behave and let me be happy. It can distract us or make us doubt. It ... [Read On]
When was the last time you were kind to yourself?
And why does it even matter? Can you recall the last time you were kind to yourself? Was it so recently, even today, that it immediately comes to mind? Or are you searching through your memory banks to see if you can find something? And what do I mean by kindness? I’m talking about treating yourself kindly in the same small and big ways you ... [Read On]
Whole Happy Well
I’ve been thinking a lot a lot lately about how many of our patterns and behaviours are driven by a sense of needing to be available for others and to ‘perform’. Historically my motivation for getting a good night's sleep was so that I could work hard (usually for someone else). I was motivated to eat healthily and keep my weight at a good ... [Read On]
The Power of Small Words: And vs. But
As I have shared about before, I’m a lover of language and words and meaning, and I particularly adore the power just one word can have. Today the word I want to rave about is using ‘And’ over ‘But’. This may not be a new concept to you if you’ve engaged in any leadership or professional development training in the last ten years or so, as ... [Read On]
The Power of Small Words: Yet
I’m a lover of language and words and meaning, and I particularly adore the power just one word can have. Today the word I want to rave about is ‘yet’. I’ve used the word ‘yet’ quite strategically for a long time, but a song popped into my Spotify Daily Mix the other day called, “The Power of Yet” by C J Luckey. Listening to this song really ... [Read On]
Could you be getting caught up in “I’ll try” thinking?
How easy is it to get caught up in “I’ll try” thinking ?? Do you hear yourself say it to people? “I’ll try and get that to you by this time.” “I’ll try and be there.” “I’ll try and do it.” “I’ll try” can mean I’m going to do this, but really I’m not that keen or enthusiastic. Or it feels too much on top of what I’m already doing. Or I’m ... [Read On]
Is it time for a digital holiday?
As Easter approaches I'm diving into a week-long digital holiday. I haven’t actually done a proper digital holiday for a couple of years, but my whole being has been screaming for it, and it seems like a very good time to switch off and unplug. Being in nature is really all I’m in the mood for right now, and in amongst a bit of wet weather, I’ll be ... [Read On]
The Mood Mover
If you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed or too hot under the collar at times for your own liking, you're not alone. Stress is very common and managing it can be a real challenge. Having good tools is essential to stress management - and actually it's not about managing stress, it's about transforming it. It's about realising that you can learn to ... [Read On]
Your inner alignment is your super-power
As some of my community will be aware, I’ve had a rather protracted health journey over the last almost 10 years or so. I recall lying in bed one day near the beginning of that journey, bowled over with glandular fever and unable to work. It was mid-afternoon and I was reading a book about healing the body and the importance of knowing why you want ... [Read On]
Are you taking good enough care of yourself right now?
Okay, so there’s a lot going down right now on the home front and around the world. Whether you’ve got a bunch of Covid cases in your workplace, are waiting with bated breath for mandates to be dropped, or concerned for Ukraine, it’s enough to put us a tad off kilter. I’ve had a few days of feeling a bit out of my usual flow and really needing to ... [Read On]
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