I’ve been reflecting today on how keeping yourself healthy and covering off all the elements of 'daily self-care' can feel like quite a long to-do list. If we think about eating healthily, drinking plenty of water, getting our daily exercise, breathing, resting, meditating or praying, getting enough sleep, taking the right vitamins, and, and, and, ... [Read On]
Why Multitasking Is A Fallacy
Multitasking has been in favour for some time, perhaps since the 90’s when people decided that efficiency was King, and surely we should be able to get more done. Fast forward to today and brain science tells a very different story – not only about how much we can get done, but how well we’ll do it. After all, you may get that proposal or finished ... [Read On]
Where Our Brilliant Ideas Come From
This morning as I was waking up and on that lovely edge of wakefulness and sleep, my mind was quite quiet and I just let myself lie there for a bit, snuggling into my duvet a bit more, on what was a cold frosty morning here. Then I had one of those sneaky little a-ha moments where suddenly the way to open a team-working workshop next week came into ... [Read On]
7 Signs You May Be Experiencing ‘Stress Creep’
Not until I went through burnout did I know there was a thing such as ‘stress creep’. That’s the nature of chronic stress and burnout in many cases; it literally sneaks up on you. It can happen so subtly over time that it’s not until you hit the wall - or experience a few symptoms that precede hitting the wall such as sleeplessness, mental ... [Read On]
Be on the front foot with your wellness this winter
As autumn really takes hold here in the southern hemisphere, my stock standard response is complete denial. No, winter is not coming. No, it’s not going to get cold. No, no, no. Winter is simply not my favourite season, and so I like to be all mature about it and just bury my head in the sand (preferably on a warm, tropical island). I’m also ... [Read On]
The Mechanics of Rapport: We’re Wired to Connect
If you're talking rapport building and what the research says, John Gottman is one of the kinkier researcher’s around. He has a ‘Big Brother’ type set up in his lab which involves couples staying in an apartment for a few days, wired up to measure their heart rate and so on, and with cameras all over the place tracking their every move. ... [Read On]
Work is work. Play is play. Or is it? (Hell, no!)
Alan Watts, revered philosopher, writer and speaker, had a very elegant way of describing many things – including our approach to work: “You are involved by and large in a very strange business system which divides your day into work and play. Work is something that everybody does and you get paid to do it because nobody could care less about doing ... [Read On]
How to Unwind These Holidays and Be Nourished
When it comes to unwinding and really restoring ourselves on holiday, it pays to remember we are far more than our physical body and our busy mind. Our emotional self heals and gathers strength when we take time out for ourselves. While we are bound to spend time with family and friends during the holidays, we need to be able to claim time for ... [Read On]
Are you suffering from hyper-availablism ?
Okay, so you’ve probably never heard of ‘hyper-availablism’ but bear with me … perhaps you suffer from it yourself or know someone who does. It shows up as being hyper-available to people in person, by phone, by email and on social media. It involves a lot of Yes’s and very few, if any, No’s. It tends to feature a very strong urge to please or ... [Read On]
The Truth About “Good Stress”
As Forrest Gump said, life is a box of chocolates, and in the variety of situations we face what feels like 'bad stress' or 'good stress' for one person can be different for another. On the first of this month my grandmother, Nana Lillas, passed away. She was 94 years old. She passed away peacefully with her two daughters, two eldest granddaughters ... [Read On]
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