Back in April 2020, mid-lockdown, I wrote about how we are revaluing what matters to us and that it will enrich our lives. We have been and it is. And it’s true now more than ever before.
Lockdown generated many aha moments for people about how they want their life to look and work for them, and what kind of new normal they want. The ongoing pandemic environment continues to force us to get more and more real with ourselves about what matters and what we’re tolerating.
As we near the mid-point of 2021 an increasing number of people are running out of tolerance for things that don’t feel right for them. Most noticeable in recent weeks is those people losing tolerance at work for poor management or leadership, stressful environments or dysfunctional culture. Etc. Etc! They’ve had enough and they’re self-selecting themselves out of there. Or they’re preparing for what I call a ‘strategic exit’.
They’re deciding what is no longer acceptable. They’re deciding what they truly deserve.
Making the call to home-school the kids. Starting a new business. Deciding to work from home full time.
Deciding to scale the business. Deciding to sell the business.
Ending a relationship. Asking her out.
It’s all happening.
Our tolerance for BS in our lives is plummeting. And it’s a good thing!
This will result in improving the quality of our lives. And I’m not talking about the material quality so much as the quality of our day to day lives. Our experiences. How we spend our time. Who we spend it with. Where we are. What we’re creating. How respected or appreciated we feel. How satisfied we feel at the end of the day.
We’re getting fussier. We’re choosing ourselves. We’re standing for what’s right for us.
And so may it continue.
Karen x