Text message received from friend last month: “Wahoo! Congrats, girlfriend. So very delighted for you!” This was in response to my text saying I’d had a client book a really great piece of work with me that I was really excited about. And what a buzz to share it – and with someone who knew what it meant to me and what it had taken to ... [Read On]
Why Multitasking Is A Fallacy
Multitasking has been in favour for some time, perhaps since the 90’s when people decided that efficiency was King, and surely we should be able to get more done. Fast forward to today and brain science tells a very different story – not only about how much we can get done, but how well we’ll do it. After all, you may get that proposal or finished ... [Read On]
Where Our Brilliant Ideas Come From
This morning as I was waking up and on that lovely edge of wakefulness and sleep, my mind was quite quiet and I just let myself lie there for a bit, snuggling into my duvet a bit more, on what was a cold frosty morning here. Then I had one of those sneaky little a-ha moments where suddenly the way to open a team-working workshop next week came into ... [Read On]
Why our HUMUNGOUS GOALS give us the willies
Yes, it seems we do commit ourselves to HUMUNGOUS GOALS that essentially give us the willies every time we think of them - and leave us wondering why we didn't achieve them last year, or why we keep procrastinating about them this year. But perhaps it's not the goal that's the problem. Perhaps it's out headspace around the goal. Actually, when ... [Read On]
More on how to beat overwhelm at work
What I notice for a lot of people wanting to beat overwhelm, lower their stress and feel more control in their day, is that they’re not taking that control. They’re bobbing on an ocean of busy-ness, demands and distractions and going where the merry water will take them. They may occasionally try grabbing an oar and shuffling some water, hoping to ... [Read On]
How to beat overwhelm at work and rock the house
It turns out that I am excellent at overwhelm. I do it brilliantly, and sometimes it can be thoroughly paralysing. That feeling of, there is so much to do, it’s so overwhelming, I CAN’T DO ANYTHING. That has meant I have also learned over the years, the many ways to NOT DO OVERWHELM. Quite helpful I’ve found. Lately I’ve worked with a number of ... [Read On]
Five things that will bring balance to your day
For those of us in the southern hemisphere at least, we’re at that time of the year where we’ve had a holiday, it’s summer and we’re a little in cruise mode, easing our way into work, and perhaps the workload hasn’t picked up yet. Things feel quite easy to keep in balance. That makes it a perfect time to start putting some simple practices in place ... [Read On]
Letting go to make space for the new
I realised this week how in the midst of the move to my new website I was feeling rather wistful about letting go of the old one; Fresh Ways Forward (aVara came a little later and was more of a brochure website). I wanted to pause and honour FWF and all it stands for. It was as Fresh Ways Forward I established my business just over 10 years ago. It ... [Read On]