Do you remember the Twilight Zone? I recall being intrigued with the ‘revived’ series that was run on TV back in the 1980’s (what is it with teenagers and scary movies?!). Recently I saw a post on Facebook saying ‘The Twilight Zone used to be the scariest thing on TV, now it is the nightly news’. How true this statement is of late. Crikey. The ... [Read On]
How to beat overwhelm at work and rock the house
It turns out that I am excellent at overwhelm. I do it brilliantly, and sometimes it can be thoroughly paralysing. That feeling of, there is so much to do, it’s so overwhelming, I CAN’T DO ANYTHING. That has meant I have also learned over the years, the many ways to NOT DO OVERWHELM. Quite helpful I’ve found. Lately I’ve worked with a number of ... [Read On]
Resilience is an inside job: Steve Gurney Interview
Last month as part of my 90-day Resilience for Leaders programme, I caught up with the ever-energetic Steve Gurney to talk resilience: what it is, how it applies to life and performance, and what it takes to win against the odds. Steve, one of New Zealand’s most respected adventure athletes, inventor, speaker and author, speaks candidly here about ... [Read On]
Letting go to make space for the new
I realised this week how in the midst of the move to my new website I was feeling rather wistful about letting go of the old one; Fresh Ways Forward (aVara came a little later and was more of a brochure website). I wanted to pause and honour FWF and all it stands for. It was as Fresh Ways Forward I established my business just over 10 years ago. It ... [Read On]
Why ‘Start With You’?
At the heart of Start With You, is a fundamental belief that whatever we want to achieve, feel or experience in life, it starts from the inside. But more than that, that we each deserve to know how to take care of how we think and feel, and truly be in charge of that. It took me a long time to find out how to do that for myself, and everything I do ... [Read On]