Back in April 2020, mid-lockdown, I wrote about how we are revaluing what matters to us and that it will enrich our lives. We have been and it is. And it’s true now more than ever before. Lockdown generated many aha moments for people about how they want their life to look and work for them, and what kind of new normal they want. The ongoing ... [Read On]
What’s your idea of an ideal week?
I have Wednesday’s off. With the odd exception, Wednesday is a completely non-work day for me. I’m a big fan of the four day week. It’s a shift I’ve seen a number of clients make over the years. I have a number of clients who have gone from a very strict 45-hour week running 8am to 5pm or thereabouts, to flexing their hours between work and ... [Read On]
Feel like renewing your goals for 2020?
Heck, a lot has happened this year. A lot of water has gone under the bridge, and well, let’s face it, is still going under the bridge… So, what if you’ve been a tad railroaded by these events or are feeling off track with what you wanted to have happen this year? Or just a bit off-track with yourself? We’ve just passed solstice and segued ... [Read On]
How to Make the Most of Your Holidays
Updated 15/12/21 One of my favourite tips to share with clients is this tiny but awesome strategy for getting the best out of your experience when you’re going on holiday. Whether it’s a long weekend or a month-long holiday, or anything in between, this simple practice can make a profound difference to how you experience your time away - and how ... [Read On]
Turning Work-Life Balance on its Head
You know, the expression ‘work-life balance’ is probably one of the most bandied about phrases of the working world? Of the entire Western world in fact? It’s also one of the biggest faux pas I can think of. We’ve been repeating it for decades now – without realising just what we’re doing to ourselves! Actually it reminds me of the ‘don’t ... [Read On]
Time is on Your Side – So How Do You Harness It?
As part of a half-day resilience session I ran earlier this month for an Auckland based marketing team, we worked on creating what I call your Ideal Week – the way your week would look if you were able to include all the things that you really want to do for yourself as well as your commitments at work, with family and so on. An ideal week might ... [Read On]
A Great Life is Built on Brave Moments
I was talking to an old friend of mine the other day who I’ve known since we were kids. In the last couple of years he has gone from being a full-time primary school teacher, to teaching three days a week plus a bit of sports coaching. His stress levels have plummeted, his energy has sky rocketed and he’s living a lifestyle with his family that ... [Read On]
Ditching Resolutions – Have a Revolution Instead
Over much of the course of my life, New Year’s resolutions have had the effect of leaving me feeling pretty useless, disappointed or plain old cynical. They seem like a really good idea at the time. I have all in the gusto in the world for them. I do lots to get started – or at least I think I do. Off with a hiss and a roar. So what the hell ... [Read On]
Work is work. Play is play. Or is it? (Hell, no!)
Alan Watts, revered philosopher, writer and speaker, had a very elegant way of describing many things – including our approach to work: “You are involved by and large in a very strange business system which divides your day into work and play. Work is something that everybody does and you get paid to do it because nobody could care less about doing ... [Read On]
What’s better than watching TV with your feet up?
One night recently I was sitting watching my second episode of the Big Bang Theory after dinner, silently ignoring a little niggle inside that was saying “This isn’t really hitting the spot. It’s not really what I need.” Fast forward two weeks and I’m sitting on the couch at home wondering about putting on a movie after a delicious dinner of ... [Read On]